This morning (early morning… gawd, I hate 8 a.m. interviews!) Barry and I interviewed Robert Scheinfeld, author of Busting Loose From the Money Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies For Changing the Rules of a Game You Can’t Win.
Or… the even more mind-blowing Busting Loose From the Money Game Home Transformational System.
The interview was to add to our Manifest More Wealth package, because when he was in the group call he didn’t really have time to dive into his concepts very deeply.
I made Barry promise not to book any more interviews before 10 a.m… I like to be as wide awake as possible to catch the nuances of the conversation and follow up accordingly.
One of my interviewing secrets is to always listen, always take notes (unless I’m on camera) and work on being in the moment.
Come to think of it, not a bad philosophy for life in general too.
But anyhow, Robert dove into his concepts. I know he doesn’t like it when I put his theories in a nutshell, but I have to do it because that’s what I do.
And… I believe he’s pretty close to the Truth (“with a capital T”, as he likes to say) about how life and the world we live in really works.
I just think some people might find his analogies and metaphors unaccessible.
Here are the basics to his work as I see it:
1. We are infinite god-like beings who come to earth to play a game: What happens when we fool ourselves into believing we’re completely limited? This is what Robert calls Phase 1.
2. We play the Human Game and take on challenges that our higher self has set up for us. What seems like a problem or stumbling block in this life is actually perfectly supporting us on our journey.
3. At some point we get frustrated and realize there must be more; oftentimes this will spark us to move from Phase 1 in Phase 2, and begin to see our true selves: the infinite god-like being.
4. As we move into this phase, we also start to reclaim the power that we’ve given up, and are able to manifest more and more of exactly what we want.
Now, granted, most of this terminology is my paraphrasing and not Robert’s words, and I’m sure he would disagree with some of what I’ve said; but it’s a nutshell that will serve us well enough for you to understand what we really are and explore it further if you like.
Interestingly, during the conversation, Barry and I connected totally twice.
First, I asked Robert to start applying the general concepts he had been explaining to money, just as Barry was about to ask the same thing (I heard him breathing, ready to ask something, but I jumped in because I felt it was important to transition at that point).
Then, I asked for concrete examples on how to move from Phase 1 into Phase 2… again, just as Barry was about to ask that too.
Okay, this time I jumped in first both times we were in sync, but sometimes it’s the other way around. Just depends who feels it’s their turn to ask something, and this time I was the one chomping at the bit the hardest.
But more than that, the whole interview also made me realize once again that everything happens for a reason, literally… exactly the way it’s supposed to.
And all the trials and tribulations I’ve been going through lately with my separation from my ex-husband is all part of the game I’ve designed for myself… so no matter how frustrating it can be, I can relax in the knowledge that this is how I (meaning my higher self) truly wanted it.
That’s a good lesson to keep in mind for yourself, too… and if you want to discover the Phase 2 mental tools that Robert never gives out on the phone, check out the Busting Loose book or the Busting Loose multi-media course.
Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life,