Today, Barry and I released our latest free talking e-book… it’s called The Secrets of Manifesting, and it features a compelling, revealing and powerful 2-on-2 interview with Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher.
One of my favorite things that we talked about was the roller coaster of life, why we ride it (and why it’s not something to get off of), and how to transcend that ride.
Every time I get frustrated with something now, or when Barry and I are dealing with a stumbling block, we just put our hands in the air and yell, “Wheeee!”
You’ll have to listen to the talking e-book (or read it) to understand completely what I’m talking about, but I found it very profound. A lot of the conversation also reminded me of conversations Barry and I have had with people like Robert Scheinfeld, Mike Dooley, Bill Harris and others, revolving around why we’re here and what the purpose of life is.
There are also a lot of great tips on how to meditate better, and how to manifest things faster and easier than ever before.
To get your own free copy of The Secrets of Manifesting, just click here.
Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life,