Most marketers want to take an approach that “feels right” for them. And it seems most spiritually-minded people aren’t very impressed with the average business or marketing book.
Why? Again… because it doesn’t “feel right”. It’s forced, or it’s dry, or dull, or too full of hype, or just doesn’t speak to their soul.
We all know that marketing and business are required to truly create a leveraged life of our dreams — one that allows us to stop trading time for money like in a JOB — and yet, how do you learn the skills when all the how-to information leaves you yawning, rolling your eyes, or scratching your head?
But there’s a new book out, by Joe Vitale — one of my former guests on Success Unwrapped and a star of the movie The Secret — and Craig Perrine, another top
marketer who embraces personal development and metaphysical techniques as well as physical hands-on how-to.
It’s called Inspired Marketing: The Astonishing Fun New Way to Create More Profits for Your Business by Following Your Heart.
Sound inspiring? (No pun intended!)
And it’s not just filled with boring theories or text-book drivel; they went out and interviewed real people with real success stories in all kinds of businesses.
I obviously love the interview approach… because you can get such honesty and true valuable insight from a conversation.
Whether you’re a man or woman, beginner or advanced, artist or seasoned entrepreneur, you will find something to relate to in this book. It’s a perfect cross-over between the marketing and personal development fields, so if you’re reading this blog, this book will definitely appeal to you too.
But don’t just buy the book… to celebrate the launch, you want to go to Joe and Craig’s website to see all the cool extras you get along with it!
And that includes a set of interviews from myself and Barry — with Gregg Braden, Dr. John F. Demartini and Dr. Joe Rubino — that will inspire you to create the life of your dreams!
Discover the secrets of Inspired Marketing here.
Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!
Hey Heather hope all is well with your eyes
Keep it up you doing a good job Louis