Perspective on Appreciation

Brennan Kingsland of Shepherd’s Haven Sanctuary, a private animal rescue shelter, left me a comment earlier that brought me to her blog…

And I saw a video she had posted there that really had some impact.

If you ever think you “don’t have enough” or “everybody’s better off than you”, this video will help you realize that’s not necessarily true.

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And yes, it’s set to a cover of an old Tears for Fears song I used to really like, so that won points for me too. 😉

But while it’s important to appreciate the fact that you’re probably richer than 75% of the world (according to the video), it’s equally important not to let that lull you into a comfort zone.

There’s nothing wrong, for instance, with striving to be one of the 6 people that own most of the real estate… well, make that 7 people, including you!

This fictional village represents the world population — and yet if it really were a village, then everyone in that village would have an equal opportunity for success. Especially if that village were in an area that you’re probably used to living in if you’re reading this.

So over half the population would no longer be making less than $2 a day… because they’d have the opportunity to up that in proportion to those around them.

I spent years living with someone who always seemed to be complaining that nobody ever gave him a break, but that rich people were greedy… two clashing thoughts that say to the Universe you’re not happy with where you are, yet you’d really rather stay there, removed from the “greedy rich people”.

Also, the belief that “nobody ever gives me a break” just manifests itself as more times that “nobody gives you a break”… proving you “right” in your own mind. (Yes, that’s basic law of attraction stuff, but it bears repeating sometimes.)

So yes, it’s essential to appreciate what you have now… but also to look forward with gratitude to what you’re going to have, what you’re going to accomplish, and who you’re going to be.

That way you can be the best YOU that you can be… and enjoy every step of the journey.

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life… and Your Success!

Heather Vale