I’m Finally FRE!

Since I’ve been pregnant (or at least, since I’ve know about it at 6 weeks) of course I haven’t been drinking any wine — even though in Europe pregnant women drink it without consequence, and in Canada they used to say a glass “every now and then” was okay — because here in the U.S. it’s Zero Tolerance (no alcohol for pregnant women).

Actually they’re just being safe, because some studies have shown it takes much more alcohol than a glass of wine every few weeks to cause problems — BUT since they “don’t know” how much is safe, they just say “none at all”. Better safe than sorry, and I’m fine with that, even though I feel they’re probably being over-cautious.

But I really have missed my wine — not so much for the alcohol, but because I enjoy the taste, I enjoy the antioxidant health benefits, and I enjoy the ritual of sipping a fine beverage from a fancy glass.

Enter my savior… Sutter Home Fre (alcohol-removed) wine!

I’ve been looking for de-alcoholized wine in the stores here for some time, but most of them don’t have it… now, however, we’ve found it at one local grocery store!

And it’s not the sugar-laden low-grade non-alcoholic wine I remember seeing in Canada, that I never bought because sugar was one of the top ingredients… this is real Sutter Home wine (I got Chardonnay, Merlot and White Zinfandel) that’s had the alcohol taken out.

There’s another company, Ariel Vineyards, who make nothing BUT alcohol-free wine, and I’ll probably give them a try too… but so far, the Fre (pronounced “free”) ones are nice, a little more juicy-tasting than regular wine, but definitely an enjoyable drink.

These really are the best of both worlds — the good (taste, health, experience) without the bad (alcohol).

And after all, life is about enjoyment.

Joy, happiness, gratitude, appreciation (all of which I feel when drinking the alcohol-free wine) are powerful manifesting emotions that we should take any opportunity to conjure up.

If we can enjoy while being healthy, and being good to our own bodies as well as our (soon to be) children’s bodies, then how does it get any better?

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!

Heather Vale