5 Reasons To Subscribe

5 Reasons to Subscribe to Heather Vale Unwrapped Through My Feedburner Email Service or RSS Feed:

#1) You never have to check the site for updates again, and you get the latest and greatest first.

#2) It’s totally free.

#3) It saves time. Getting an email notice or RSS overview of a new blog post here saves you wasted visits.

#4) I think from the mind, share from the heart, say what I mean, and deliver powerful life lessons wrapped around each post (see the About page here ).

#5) Some of my most valuable research, experiences and commentary are ONLY delivered to subscribers. If you want unique, time-sensitive and powerful findings and information, to help you unwrap the mysteries of life, subscribing is the way to go.


Privacy Policy: Your information will never be shared with anyone. I respect your privacy and hate unsolicited email with a passion too.


How to Subscribe:

Choice #1) Via our FeedBurner email notification service. Just look towards the Top-Right of this blog, find the FeedBurner VIP Mailing List subscribe form, and enter your personal email.

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If you’re not using RSS yet, I recommend Google Reader.

If you want to know more about RSS Readers, read the first 3 paragraphs here.

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!

Heather Vale