Woo-hoo… we have another big product launch that just got underway… over at SuperManifestor.com.
Whenever we sell or promote a product like this, we always get people saying, “You shouldn’t sell spiritual information. It should be free for all!” or “Why do people only make money from the law of attraction by selling information about the law of attraction?”
And yes, they say the same thing for internet marketing products… “Why do people only make money online by selling information about how to make money online?”
Well, I’m going to tell you that you can attract wealth to you WITHOUT selling information about how to do it.
And you can make money online WITHOUT selling information about how to make it.
I have seen example, time and time again, of people using metaphysical principles to create wealth, health and happiness in their lives. Far too many examples to list here.
But one thing that set them apart was their mindset and attitude.
Yes, they didn’t have the jaded outlook that “You can only make money at…” or “This is a scam…” or “You should give this away if it works so well…”
So how do we really attract prosperity?
You attract prosperity, wealth, abundance… monetary and in other areas of your life… by giving value to the Universe, and getting rewarded for it.
Giving is not better than getting; we need to do both to keep the Universal balance happening.
The more value you offer people, the more value you get in return, and it’s all an exchange of energy.
Now, you don’t need us or anyone else to tell you how to be a Super Manifestor, because you are already manifesting the life you have, according to the thoughts and emotions you have.
But if you’re not happy with your results, you might want help from someone who can tell you how to deliberately attract, or consciously create, what you DO want.
You can spend TIME and ENERGY digging that information up for FREE to save your MONEY…
Or you can spend MONEY to save your TIME and ENERGY.
Your choice, and since it’s all an energy exchange anyhow, it doesn’t matter what you choose to spend and what you choose to save.
It depends whether you have more money, or more time.
If you want a package based on 1500 years of research… featuring powerful technological tools you can’t find anywhere else… then the Super Manifestor GOLD Pack is for you.
If you want to research for yourself and dig up the same 1500 years of research yourself — but WITHOUT the proprietary tools — then go for it. The GOLD Pack is NOT for you.
Either way, you already ARE a Super Manifestor… you just need to tap into that power, and make the best use of it, however it best works for you.
Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life,
hi dear;
iam going to buy Gold pack ,could you guide me how i can get that please ,there is not any purchase information.
Hi, just go to http://SuperManifestor.com to purchase the Gold Pack… you’ll log in for the free talking e-book first, then you’ll see the sales page for the Gold Pack.