How to Stay Well All Winter

I found an interesting article in Redbook, written by Nicole Yorio, called “Cold and flu? Not you!” that seemed appropriate for this time of year.

I’m just going to paraphrase what she wrote… but some darned good advice here!

1. Get a Massage

Apparently massage lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which destroys immune cells… nice, another reason to love treating myself to massages!

(Besides the fact that it’s a great way to feel pampered, special, worthy of luxury and incredibly grateful — all powerful manifesting emotions.)

How much massage do you need?

She says it only takes a 20-minute weekly rubdown to reap the benefits, so your partner or a battery-operated massager can do the trick… but once a month, I think it’s SO beneficial to head to the professional masseuse.

2. Take Vitamins C and E

OK, the vitamin C part is something we’ve been told since we were kids… but apparently vitamin C is even more effective when you pair it with vitamin E.

Vitamin E makes white blood cells more efficient at fighting off infection… but you shouldn’t take more than 100 to 200 mg per day, or it can be toxic. That amount can be found by eating peanut butter, almonds or sunflower seeds.

You should also take 65 to 75 mg of vitamin C daily, or up to 1,000 mg when fighting off a cold.

3. Have a Good Laugh

Yup, laughter has been known to kill many an illness, including cancer. Apparently laughter may lower cortisol levels and release endorphins — the feel-good chemicals that trigger immune cells.

A good comedy show, movie, or even a YouTube clip can get you going. And hanging out with other people that have a sense of humor definitely helps.

4. Go Dancing

Most exercise enhances your immune system… but apparently dancing ALSO reduces stress levels and raises endorphins.

Not only that, but listening to popular music raises your immunoglobulin levels… an antibody that helps destroy viruses. So dance to pop, Top 40, or other hits for an extra boogie-boost.

5. Make Whoopee

Sex releases mood-boosting chemicals called opioid peptides (hmm… opioid, huh? of course they’re mood-boosting!) which strengthen your immune system. And apparently people who have sex once or twice week have higher levels of that aforementioned immunoglobulin antibody.

Well, hey, some nice reasons to get busy… and apparently even snuggling has flu-fighting benefits!

And that’s all that Redbook had, but I’d like to add one of my own…

6. Decide Not to Get Sick

Yes, it’s true… every time I’ve heard someone say, “I think I’m coming down with something,” they came down with something.

Your body obeys your every command. I remember I used to get two colds a year, because that’s what I told everybody I did. Then I’d have a perpetual cold all winter, because that’s what I said I had.

Now I say, “I hardly ever get sick,” and I don’t.

(I wouldn’t go so far as to say, “I NEVER get sick,” because of that “Yeah, right!” factor we’re all familiar with… if you can’t fully believe it, then it won’t work.)

It’s a classic case of mind over matter. And it works every time.

Now, here are a few germ-fighting foods that Redbook recommends to give you extra defense… and most of them taste good, too! 😉

Green tea – contains antioxidants

Dark chocolate – also contains antioxidants

Shiitake mushrooms – contain lentinan, a carb that boosts cells’ response to infection

Greens – loaded with zinc, to help white blood cells function

Garlic – prevents or reduces common infections

Apples – again… they’ve got anti-cold antioxidants

Be healthy and happy this winter!

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!

Heather Vale