Unwrapped For The Sixth Time

Mike FilsaimeI thought I was interviewing Mike Filsaime (Mr. Butterfly Marketing) for the fifth time today… but it turns out it was the sixth.

It took me almost a year of asking to get him the first time, and that first interview was a year ago… Jan 2007.  Which means I’ve averaged an interview with him every two months.

Here’s the breakdown of how it went:

1. For my teleseminar series, Internet Marketing Unwrapped

2. For Brad Callen‘s Elite Sessions teleseminar series

3. For another Brad Callen project

4. For a webinar for Brad Callen‘s customers, to promote the 7 Figure Code

5. For Joel Comm’s Next Internet Millionaire (we did a separate product called The Closed Door Sessions)

6. Today… a follow-up call for Brad Callen‘s 7 Figure Code customers

So what do you ask someone when you’ve interviewed them that many times?

Is it just the same old, same old, every time?

How is it possible to keep it fresh?

Well, it’s easy… even though 4 of the 6 interviews were for Brad Callen, every one of them was different.

Different Topic… or “What” we were going to talk about.

Different Purpose… or “Why” were going to talk about that Topic.

Different Focus…  or “How” we were going to cover that Topic.

Once the Topic was viral marketing.   Once it was traffic generation.  Once it was business building.

Once the Purpose was to educate and intrigue beginners to want more.  Twice it was added value to a previous purchase.  Once it was education for very experienced previous customers.  Twice it was heavy-duty content for paid products.

Once the Focus was breaking down the basics for beginners. Once it was expanding on DVD course content.  Once it was diving into topics not covered in a new purchase.  Twice it was educating through case studies and examples.

So you can interview the same person many, many times and never run out of things to talk about, especially if you have a good chemistry.

Mike and I are able to carry on great conversations, because we’ve always had a reciprocal relationship.  He did the first interview with me after I volunteered to help him edit his Death of Internet Marketing report.

Then we did a marketing swap.

Today, he spent his personal time after the interview giving Barry and I valuable advice about an upcoming product.

It’s all about the Law of Reciprocity… give, and you will receive.

And Universal laws make the world go round.

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life,

Heather Vale