A Hat Trick of Teleseminars

Today I did 3 teleseminars (a hat trick in hockey terminology, which seems appropriate because today apparently the NHL season started).

Earlier today it was Ben Mack, author of Think Two Products Ahead: Secrets the Big Advertising Agencies Don’t Want You to Know and How to Use Them for Bigger Profits.

The interview was for Rick Raddatz‘s Entrepreneur’s Vacation Club, and we uncovered a lot of content on sales, marketing, advertising, branding, Legend Platforms and more… but of course, in Ben’s unmistakable style where you never know what you’re going to get (which is half the fun).

Then it was real estate artist Frank McKinney for Masters of the Secret.

Frank’s the author of two bestsellers, Make It Big: 49 Secrets for Building a Life of Extreme Success, and Frank McKinney’s Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success: How You Can Go From A $50,000 Fixer-Upper To A $100 Million Mansion!

Barry and I asked him about his success principles, following your instinct, not giving in to fear when taking calculated risks, how to attract super-targetted high-end customers, how to discover and live your highest calling, and more.

Frank actually has his office in a treehouse attached to his mansion… like a bigger, more luxurious version of the treehouses Barry and I discovered on Saturday.

And I thought I had one of the coolest offices around — with an uninhibited view of Riverside Park in Grants Pass, which is right outside my window (heck, I didn’t even have a window in Toronto, and I didn’t have a cool modern desk set-up like I have now, so I’ve moved several steps up the ladder already).

And finally, it was the reunion call for jvAlert Live… the next one is coming up in a few weeks, which I won’t be able to make it to, but hopefully Barry and I will get out to the next one in February (usually held in Florida — just where you want to be in February!)

Ben Mack and I were both experts on that call… so it was a reunion in two senses, because we had just had our own call a few hours before.

In fact a lot of top marketers were featured — Ken McArthur, who runs the event, and also Frank Sousa, Willie Crawford, Warren Whitlock, Larry Benet, Ross Goldberg, Donna Fox, Gina Gaudio-Graves, Sterling Valentine, and a lot more.

We all answered marketing questions submitted by the audience — but more importantly, the vibe between speakers was really one of friends and family, who honestly want to help others out, not competitors or hard-core marketers who only want to promote their own stuff.

The highlight for me? Ben, Ken and Ross discussing whether I was “pretty amazing”, “absolutely amazing”, “pretty and amazing”, or some other combination thereof.

Aw, shucks guys… thanks!

Well, you know, the over-riding message of the day, from all three calls, has to be that in order to build your Legend Platform… in order to brand yourself… in order to carve out a niche for yourself… in order to stand out from the crowd… in order to become a success in whatever you do… in order to build wealth…

You HAVE TO contribute value to the world in order to get value back.

Wealth is not created without creating — and sharing — value first.

Friendships are not created without sharing value.

Customers are not attracted to you without offering them value.

Speaking of value… the video for this personal favorite song (Barry and I sang a rendition of it while driving higher and higher up into the Colorado Rockies in July) — AND a favorite of Frank McKinney’s — shows what a band gets back when giving value in the form of dreams and music to their fans.

That’s what dreams are made of…

Yeah, we’ll get higher and higher,
Straight up we’ll climb…
Higher and higher,
Leave it all behind.
Oh, we’ll get higher and higher,
Who knows what we’ll find?

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Keep Unwrapping The Mysteries of Life!

Heather Vale