Inanimate Emotions… Just as Powerful as Real Ones

Last night I was making carrot juice, and I poured some of the pulp down the sink, into the built-in garbage disposal. It seemed to work fine, but then I looked in the sink to see a mess of spewed carrot bits and egg shells, smelling pretty raunchy. It made me think immediately that the sink was sick, and I tried to remedy the situation, but the mess kept coming back up into the second sink… then back to the first one.

I asked Barry to help me out, and he was able to stop the suction effect by removing some pots from the second sink. The way they had been covering the hole, they kept the suction going and wouldn’t let the mess go down the drain.

“It’s okay,” he joked. “The sickness is gone.”

Now that the thoughts of doing irreparable damage to our sink and having to call plumbers had vanished, I was immediately swept with emotions, and said, “I’m sorry for making the sink puke. I didn’t mean to hurt it!”

Then I laughed at how I had personified the sink, and it suddenly reminded me of an old commercial I used to see on TV a lot. I told Barry about the Ikea commercial, which was apparently created by Spike Jonze, and how it used to effect me emotionally:

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But it wasn’t just me. All the girls I knew felt sorry for this little lamp when watching the commercial…. then we’d laugh when the host said, “that’s because you’re crazy!”

But deep down we knew we weren’t crazy. We had been affected by the same tools movie makers use when hooking you into a story: the music, the pacing, the positioning of the “victim”, and the back-and-forth points of view.

And just by having their spokesperson say that line, it was apparent that the commercial makers knew it would effect many people on an emotional level.

And they knew that people make buying decisions based on emotions.

After I explained about the commercial, Barry responded by telling me about the GM commercial that made you feel sorry for a robot:

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Chances are, if you watch the two videos above, you’ll feel a lump in your throat, or a tightening of your chest, or even a tear in your eye at some point… and yes, I know, if you’re a guy you don’t want to admit it, but I’ll bet you felt it too! 😉

Emotions aren’t something to be afraid of though.

Emotions are incredibly powerful, and emotions can be your friends.

The main ingredient missing in most personal development programs created up to about 10 years ago is the power of emotions.

A lot of emphasis was placed on your thoughts in the past (The Power of Positive Thinking, Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, etc…)

But the element that TRULY creates what you want is your emotions.

As quantum physics expert Gregg Braden says, “feel the feeling of healing as if it is already yours.” In the quantum physics realm, they understand that thoughts are nothing without the emotions behind them.

(If quantum physics fascinates you as much as it does me, you can get access to the recording of the call Barry and I did with Gregg — as well other quantum physics masters like John Demartini — through our Masters of the Secret program.)

In my TEAR Formula I laid out that Thoughts + Emotions + Actions = Results (T+E+A=R)… but the key to making the formula work is understanding that each element is stronger than the last.

Yes, Thoughts are pretty powerful. But Emotions are more powerful than Thoughts, and Action is more powerful than Emotions — because no matter what you’re thinking or feeling, you can affect the Result by doing something that goes against those Thoughts and Emotions.

But your most amazing Results will always come when your Thoughts, Emotions and Actions are in alignment with each other, moving you toward the Result you desire.

If you ever doubt the forceful and magical effect that Emotions can have… just watch the above two commercials again. Your mind (controlling your Thoughts) knows that this is a ridiculous scenario… but your Emotions overpower your Thoughts.

Don’t forget the tissues! 😉

And if this inspires you to master your emotions and your life… Masters of the Secret is waiting to help you become a master of The Secret, too!

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!

Heather Vale

One comment to “Inanimate Emotions… Just as Powerful as Real Ones”
One comment to “Inanimate Emotions… Just as Powerful as Real Ones”
  1. aw.. the poor little lamp… yep I’m crazy… good emotional marketing.

    And I can just hear Barry saying.. “ok the sickness is gone!”

    it’s time to have some fun with the ol lamp tennis anyone?
    or maybe give it to the robot they can jump together.

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