Riding the Roller Coaster of Life

Okay, I admit it… my life seems like a roller coaster sometimes.

It goes up, up, up, and everything seems so perfect…

And then it plummets down, and I wonder what the heck went wrong.

Then it’s up again… up and down, up and down.

Know what I mean?

Well, our friends Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher noticed that too. But they say it’s how life is meant to be. And I think they’re right.

Barry and I just posted an article over at the LWL Worldwide blog that discusses the concept, and invites readers to post their thoughts in our forum.

Up for discussing the roller coaster of life while you ride it (and don’t get off)?

Join us over at the LWL Worldwide blog.

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life,

Heather Vale

One comment to “Riding the Roller Coaster of Life”
One comment to “Riding the Roller Coaster of Life”
  1. A couple of years ago I went with my son to Luna Park, this is a fun park with lots of “fun” rides. He was 13 at the time and I knew that it wouldn’t be fun for him if I sat and watched so I went with him on every ride. I get terribly motion sick and decided that I wouldn’t get sick… whick I didn’t!!!
    Going on the roller coaster was the highlight of my day … and it was while doing this ride that I learnt that you had to go down to go up, you had to go down really fast so that you had the momentum to go up and that there was a brief pause at the top that you could take a rest briefly before it all started again. My recommendation is don’t get stuck in the bottom as then it can be really hard to get the momentum to get back up.
    For me life has never been the same, “stuff happens” and I quickly have learnt to move on and not get stuck there. It is only a place to visit but not to make home….

    Enjoy the ride … screaming really loud on the way down helps … 🙂 Happy 2008. Kerry

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