These days you can hardly skim through self-improvement or self-help related information without hearing at least once about the Universal Laws, or the Spiritual Laws of the Universe, or other terminology indicating the same things.
Sometimes you bump into some real good, straight-to-the point, and ready-to-get-going information about how to apply these Universal Laws in our life to your advantage. However, the majority of the information you find is either too much, too detailed and/or too complex to start to apply it in your life right away. That’s usually the case. Or otherwise, it stems from people who hardly know what they’re talking about and consequently give you insufficient and sometimes even inaccurate information.
For example, many ‘experts’ merely focus on the Law of Attraction (one of the hottest buzzwords on the Internet today), without taking any other of the universal principles of life (or Universal Laws) into account. There are certain boundary conditions to the application of the Law of Attraction, and one of them is the focus of this article. It’s what I call, the Law of Love, just to stick to the popular ‘Law’-terminology.
As a result of the fact that few experts pay any attention to other universal principles besides the Law of Attraction, most people are not ‘achieving’, ‘manifesting’, or ‘attracting’ that much to be honest, no matter how hard they try.
How come? How on earth is that possible?! There’s so much information available on the subject. The Internet is flooded with it. Yet so few people actually achieving anything, let alone creating the life of their dreams?
Let me tell you why. There are usually 2 reasons for this:
Too much, detailed and therefore too complex information. One talks about 7 Universal Laws, another talks about 12 Laws of Success, yet another talks about 21 Subsidiary Laws or Spiritual Laws. Most people don’t know who’s right anymore. Do you? Consequently, most people either do nothing at all, or they study all different books, tapes, and movies, and start to do things of one book that work against things of the other. No results come about, and many people give up entirely and write it all off as trash or claptrap.
Too little information.
There can be too little information in 2 different ways. First, too little information can mean that the information given is inaccurate. This is sometimes the case. But secondly, and usually, the information given may be accurate, but is insufficient.Often, people just focus on the Law of Attraction, but they forget that there’s a whole bunch of other universal principles (or Laws) to know about. That doesn’t mean you have to know about every single minor detail. In that case you fall for the other trap, which is the trap of too much, too detailed and too complex information.
No, you can keep things simple for yourself if you just focus on the main universal principles. By that, you automatically cover all detailed, subsidiary Laws you can think of.
So are there other Universal Laws next to the Law of Attaction then?
You can bet your sweet bippy there are!
But once again, the trick is simply to focus on the main ones to keep things simple for yourself. The Law of Attraction is one of the main Universal Laws. But there’s another one as well, one that the Law of Attraction can’t work without. This Universal Law sets the stage for the Law of Attraction to work. This Universal Law is the Universal Law of Love.
“What, you mean how I love my girl? You mean I need to do the wild thing for this stuff to work? Why didn’t you say so right away?!”
Well, before you rip off all your clothes, it’s not really that kind of love. This Law is about Universal Love. And the game of Universal Love is a whole different ballgame than the regular game of love, fancying someone and ‘getting busy’.
Universal Love happens to be the building block of all things. Universal Love is much more than emotion or feeling of fancying someone or giving them a ‘quickie’. Universal Love is the most balanced form of energy. Love is the balance of all. Love is stillness, peace of mind. The universe is Love.
This is not the time and place to get into the true nature of the Universe. For now it suffices to say that Universal Love can take on many forms. Love can be considered acceptance of yourself, or of others. Love is unconditional. Love doesn’t set terms. Love is freedom. Love is freedom for you to be who you truly are inside, not what others think you should be. Love is the freedom of others to be who they truly are inside, not what you or anyone else think they should be. Love is never to impose anything on anyone.
Read that last part again and really ponder the content. Because this is the first thing that most people seem to forget in life. Most people just walk in line, do what they’ve always been doing, think what they’ve always been thinking, and therefore get what they’ve always been getting (which they’re usually not satisfied with). Bit still, they stick to it, like they’re addicted.
And why? Because they fear the reactions of other people. They allow others to dictate how they should live their lives. These others can be parents, ‘friends’, the boys at the bar, team mates, ‘the girls’, ‘the gang’, the ‘mother-in-law’, you name it.
And at the same time, they’re doing the same themselves to others. Often even unconsciously. They just live according to the externally imposed norms of which they don’t even know the origin, and therefore they block their own uniqueness, their own potential, and thus their ability to live the life of their dreams.
After all, what is the life of your dreams? Is it living the artificial image of what others think you should be? Of course not. It’s the life of being who they truly are inside, and the happiness and abundance in any area (not least financial abundance) that come with it.
So basically, most people allow themselves to be policed by other people, and are at the same time policing other people themselves. As soon as someone starts to do something differently, something out of the artificially imposed norms, the ridicule and sometimes even physical harassment takes off, pulling the people who are about to make their unique contribution to the world back in line. That’s right, back to their robot-like existence of a daily repeated series of routines they’ve been told to be following all their lives.
Tell me something, does that sound like a balanced form of existence? Does that sound like Universal Love? Do you think the Law of Attraction will work if you don’t even allow yourself to live your life the way you want to live it? Do you think you can allow others to live their lives in the way they want it, if you can’t even allow yourself to do so? You’re doing nothing more than blocking yourself and your efforts.
You can sit on your butt watching the movie ‘The Secret’ all the time, while waiting for a magic amount of money to suddenly appear on your bank account. But I’ll tell you upfront. That’s going to take a while.
The alternative is that you start to change your circumstances right away. You need a whole lot more Universal Love to set the stage for the Universal Law of Attraction to work. That’s what’s Love’s got to do with it!
The application of the Universal Law of Love sets the stage for the Universal Law of Attraction to work. Everything in life is unified, the universe is a whole. One Universal Law cannot work without the other. It’s a closed system. Therefore, just knowing about the Law of Attraction isn’t enough. You must know about all main Universal Laws, how they interact, and how to apply them in conjunction with each other. Focusing on the main Universal Laws is a simple thing to do. But it all starts with the application of the Universal Law of Love.
“All you need is Love” 😉
Welcome to the Revolution.
Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.
The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the ‘enigmas wrapped in riddles’ that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.
More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found at Revolutioniz.
© 2007, All Rights Reserved.
Nice article Heather, Or if you prefer Ms. Vale,
I’ve been into this stuff for a long time and have read a few pretty cool books, one that that really struck my inner being. It goes way beyond just the physical aspect from the laws of Attraction. It was kind of a trippy read but it’s one that you must read between the lines to get. I had to read it twice to really grasp all of it. I Think you can still find it on ebay or amazon. “2150 AD” it’s a book on the Macro Philosophy by Thea Alexander. When you write in your last paragraph first sentence, “The application of the universal law of love sets the stage for the universal law of attraction to work”. A quote from the first page of the book sums up that sentence very equally, “The measure of a mind’s evolution is its acceptance of the unacceptable”. by Rana. Most of us live to accumulate yet “when you die all you have to take with you is what you had given”. by Henry. I don’t mean free ebooks, gifts, or parties. Given of yourself is the true law of attraction.
I had fun writing this thanks!
Henry M. Villarreal