The Unwrapper Unwrapped

Heather ValeMy name is Heather Vale, otherwise known as “The Unwrapper”, and this is my personal blog where I tackle the topics that intrigue me most and “unwrap” the mysteries and secrets of life.

You can read more about me at

So why am I called “The Unwrapper”? Because I have an investigative nature that needs to know things; because I’m determined to constantly discover as much as I can about what I’m passionate about; because when I search for answers and ask questions, I refer to the process as “unwrapping”.

You can check out my “Unwrapped” series of projects, including Success Unwrapped Radio, Internet Marketing Unwrapped, and Interviewing Unwrapped.

Typically “unwrapping” for me involves interviewing experts; but this blog will allow me to “unwrap” my own personal views and experiences, as “The Unwrapper” gets unwrapped too.

Keep Unwrapping your Success… and the Mysteries of Life!

Heather Vale