I feel that I’m almost at the point where I can quit my J.O.B. and move into online marketing full-time. I’m now hiring out my interviewing skills for three times more than I did less than a year ago, and I’ve got enough clients and opportunities and upcoming projects to really make this work.
In fact, I plan to make the move very soon. Unfortunately I mentioned it to my husband and he told me to just keep working. My question is… what’s more important, pleasing him or myself?
Ideally we shouldn’t have to choose. It seems that people we love should support us no matter what we decide. But sometimes we all miss the forest (the big picture) for the trees (the little stuff that doesn’t always have a big impact). The best we can do is remind those around us that the forest will sustain itself even if one tree gets chopped down (now if we start clear-cutting them all, there might be some problems; but I’m talking about just one tree here).
But no matter how it plays out, I feel big changes coming for myself this year. Barry Goss and I are working on a hot new project, Masters of the Secret, that’s going to make a big splash. The content is amazing, and the price is going to be unbelievable. We are both dedicated to over-delivering, so as long as we can get the right JV partners on board to promote it, it should do amazing.
Then I’ve got other projects I’m working on, including Season 2 of Internet Marketing Unwrapped, with some guests that I’ve been trying to snag for a long time… guess what, they finally know who I am! 😉
By the way, if you want to know the secret as to how I did that… I used MySpace. I found that sending people MySpace messages instead of emails allowed them to check me out with one click, so even if they hadn’t yet heard of me, they could see right away what my credentials were.
And of course there are clients who want to work with me, more and more. And soon my first co-authored print book, Success and Happiness, will be coming out. In it, I wrote about my TEAR Formula… T+E+A=R (Thoughts + Emotions + Actions = Results).
So there are a ton of opportunities, and even though I’m working 16 hours a day now to make it all happen, there is going to come a time when I don’t have to do that.
Until then, I’ll keep working hard toward the life I really want.
Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life… and Your Success!