All my life I’ve been celebrating Thanksgiving about six weeks before my birthday, and Christmas about six weeks after my birthday.
That’s because in Canada, Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October. Everyone wonders why, but it’s pretty simple… the crops need to be harvested sooner up north, and since Thanksgiving was created to give thanks for the harvests, Canadian Thanksgiving was earlier.
Having said that, it’s worth pointing out that in Southern Oregon… just about an hour north of the California border… I’m actually on a higher latitude than I was in Toronto, Canada. But still, the weather here is warmer… go figure.
Anyhow, I just shared a video and a powerful exercise over on the LWL Worldwide blog that shows you why gratitude is so important to manifesting what you want… so I’d like to invite you to check it out. The post is called “Giving Thanks and Getting Desires”
But while you’re here, I’d like to share another video with you here. I thought it was going to be religious-focused because it’s done by a monk, but it’s really just inspirational about being grateful for the little things:

Speaking of the little things, Barry just sent me a chat that said:
look forward to watching the movie, tonight, with you – grateful for times like dat
And I’m very grateful, not only for the times we spend together, enjoying each other’s company, but for the little notes like that. They make my heart skip a beat, and realize how lucky I am to have found someone special like him.
You might be wondering why we’d be instant messaging each other when we’re both working from home, under the same roof. But essentially, there are two reasons.
1. His office is in the front room, at the very front of our condo, and mine’s in the bedroom at the back of the condo (overlooking the park, which I’m grateful for!)
2. Sending each other notes, whether it be by email, chat, or a handwritten love note, is a very romantic thing to do… and can often make you feel like a teenager again, with your heart going pitter-patter like you’ve got a crush on someone (well, at least, that’s how it makes me feel… give it a try and see if it works for you, too!)
He also just came in here and told me that tonight, over Thanksgiving dinner, we’re going to look each other in the eye and do the exercise that he posted yesterday on the LWL Worldwide blog. His post is called “How to Crank-Up Your Happiness Meter” and you’ll love that exercise too.
The bottom line to remember is, gratitude is very powerful, and it helps you manifest your desires faster. In fact, Barry and I probably wouldn’t be together now if we hadn’t learned to be grateful for each other, first as friends, then as business partners, and to really appreciate the qualities that the other brought to the team. The love grew out of that… and it’s all because of gratitude.
Our friend, Amanda Kroetsch — featured in the bonus and live calls sections of Masters of the Secret — calls herself Gratitude Girl, and recently had a similar experience. She sold her half of the Thank God I… series of books to her former business partner, John Castignini (also featured in Masters of the Secret) and is now living and working with someone she loves, respects, appreciates, and is in love with, too. You’ll hear more about Cory, her boyfriend and new business partner, soon… but for now, just take inspiration from these success stories.
So today, on Thanksgiving, and every day of the year… make room for gratitude and watch your desires come quickly into your life.
Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life,
I really enjoy your mp3’s you put online. I have recommended your site to several of my friends!!!
Happy birthday soon, honey! 🙂
Ian del Carmen