Butterfly Reports Taking Off…

Yesterday, Mike Filsaime and Rod Beckwith launched a website they’ve been working on for almost a year, called Butterfly Reports.

It’s still in beta, but I see a ton of potential for this site really taking off (pun intended… butterfly, taking off…)

In fact, this can create a whole metamorphosis for your online business! (Okay, I’ll stop with the puns now, I promise… well, for now, at least!)

The really cool thing about Butterfly Reports is it’s free — but so what, right? What do you GET for free?

Well, you get the opportunity to download money-making viral reports branded with your affiliate links, in a bunch of different niches, to give out to your subscribers or use to build a list.

Yes, that’s right… build a list AND make money at the same time.

Then you also have a chance to write your own reports that other people will brand and give out to 21 Quick Tipstheir subscribers, getting you traffic and sales as a result.

So it’s win-win all around, and pretty innovative — sure, you can find branded reports elsewhere, or write them, or have them written… but this is a one-stop free shop! Nothing to lose, just to gain.

Here’s an example of a report I branded… it’s called 21 Quick Tips for Self Improvement by Dan Gonzalez (download by right-clicking the link).

To get your own like this… and more, check out Butterfly Reports while it’s still in beta to get the most benefit.

Keep Unwrapping your Success!

Heather Vale