A Cartoon Camtasia Me… You Can Be Next!

Barry and I recently discovered a really cool online course about how to utilize and optimize Camtasia (or other screen-capture programs) to create impressive videos to establish a modern online presence, drive traffic to your site, build a list, create products, make money, and more.

Of course, the lessons are Camtasia tutorials — appropriately enough — and laid out in a logical and self-explanatory way. Because of this, you can find exactly what you want to learn, and target your viewing to that specific video, so you don’t waste hours searching through unrelated content for those advanced techniques you’re dying to try (as soon as you can figure out how to do them… which now you can!)

Up until now, I’ve mostly used Camtasia for tutorials of website tactics, and for recording and editing webinars. But I’m realizing more and more that it’s a feature-packed tool I can be doing a lot more with.

Here’s a video I created using one of the techniques outlined in the bonus section of this course:

Yup… that’s a caricature of me, and you can easily do the exact same thing. The possibilities with just this one little gem are nearly endless — no need to worry about a bad hair day or not knowing what to say on camera, because the cartoon you (or another random cartoon character if you prefer) just performs flawlessly, right on cue.

I’ve only really begun to dive into everything that’s offered in this course… but the techniques I’ve discovered already have been worth the price of admission.

You obviously know how important it is to use video these days for search engine placement, traffic from various sources, buzzworthiness, and appeal to the internet generation.

This Camtasia course will show you that the options for creating those videos are a lot more varied than you might have thought.

Keep Unwrapping your Success!

Heather Vale

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One comment to “A Cartoon Camtasia Me… You Can Be Next!”
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