Yesterday I went back to my acupuncturist to see how the sugar allergy treatment went… but I’ve been having severe digestive issues the past week again, and we found out it was related (for the second time, now indicating a “pattern”) to a combination reaction — requiring a second treatment for the same food group.
Last time that happened, Dr. Doss decided the “combination” was physical and emotional… so he had done an emotional clearing, and I didn’t have to avoid any foods for the first time during these sessions.
This time it seemed to be physical though. He didn’t treat me with any needles (like he said last time, my body is allowing less and less needles to be used each time) and ended up doing acupressure instead of acupuncture. That treatment included a Shiatsu-type massage at the back of my head and neck, and the massaging of my lymph glands, which are for some reason swollen and tender.
It was nice, but I was kind of hoping for another BodyTalk emotion-clearing session, and not having to avoid foods again (since we treated sugar, I had to avoid fruit too — and that’s what I crave more than anything, especially since I was thinking we’d move on to grains and the “limited” diet for that one INCLUDES all fruit). No such luck… it was a regular treatment, and I had to avoid the sugar all over again.
Not that I minded so much avoiding refined sugar — after all, I did that for 10 years of my life — but I have never avoided fruit, except when I was a kid and didn’t really care for it, and during some of these other acupuncture allergy treatments (like Vitamin C and Vitamin B).
Oh well, hopefully that’s one of the last times ever, since I should now be cured… and now, just writing about it, I’m getting another craving for fruit, so it’s time to go and eat some!
Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!