When you go “all in”, you’re giving everything — whether we’re talking about poker or life.
And as we get older, it’s natural to think about what lies ahead, and wonder if we’re giving enough appreciative energy to being alive.
They say “you only live once.”
And while that may or may not be technically true (I believe in an afterlife and reincarnation, but that’s a discussion for another day), the point is that in this life — this time around, as the people we are today — we only have one chance to make a difference, inspire and serve others, and leave our marks…
In the past week, two media professionals from my home town of Toronto have passed away. One was Leslie Nielsen, best known for the Airplane and Naked Gun series of spoof movies.
I was lucky enough to interview Leslie about 10 years ago when he was given a star on Canada’s Walk of Fame, and he told me how he had been working along a career path as a serious, dramatic actor before being cast in the comedic role on Airplane.
But even though it was unexpected, he grabbed hold of the opportunity, and rode it for all it was worth. He went all in.
He was 84 when he died, which is considered by many to be a ripe old age. But when I consider that he was only twice my age, that means I’m halfway to the end of my life — should I be lucky enough to live that long (I’m hoping that Barry and I will be living and enjoying life much longer than that, but the fact of the matter is, we may not be).
Case in point: the other guy who passed away this week was Mark Dailey, the ubiquitous voice of Toronto’s CityTV for over 20 years and a staple in their newsroom for over 30. He was only 57.
He had less time on this earth — less time than most of us would want — but he still went all in with what he had.
So how does all this affect you?
If you’re not loving life in the moment (rather than feeling guilty about the past or worried about the future)… if you’re not putting joyful energy into being alive, no matter what life brings you… and if you’re not committing fully to everything you do, and everyone you love… then you’re not going all in.
I admit, it’s hard to do this all the time.
Life often gets in the way of living.
But it’s our purpose in this life to live, love and laugh to the fullest extent possible.
One of my and Barry’s favorite bands is Lifehouse, because they sing and play with feeling, and their songs have powerful meaning.
Appropriately, they have a song called “All In” which is no exception; here are a few of the words:
“You know it’s okay, I came to my senses,
Let go of my defenses,
There’s no way I’m giving up this time.And I’m all in, nothing left to hide…
Yeah, I’m all in, I’m all in for life…”
It’s a love song, but it’s also a song about loving life. And that means sometimes letting our defenses down so we can connect with other people without criticism, and have fun without judging.
Go ahead and turn up your speakers, play the video below, and sing and dance along… yeah, that’s right. Sing like nobody’s listening, and dance like nobody’s watching.
You’ll be glad you did, and it will be one step towards going all in for life:

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!
Hi Heather. Eric Owens sent me this post you wrote. I think about this stuff all the time and you know what? A lot of people have NO IDEA what this really means…
Because it’s sort of scary for a lot of people.
I’ve been “All In” many, many times in life and some times I lost all my chips so to speak but guess what I got from losing those chips?
Clarity! Sometimes the stuff we hold onto is stuff we really should let go of because it’s not serving and the best and fastest way to do that…
You guessed it! GO ALL IN! (It’s only scary because it forces us to get the hell out of our warm and fluffy comfort zones where NO GROWTH ever happens)
And as strange as this may sound, even if you “lose”, you never really lose because you’re always left with EXACTLY what you need to enjoy life right now…
Going “All In” adds excitement to your life and keeps you on your toes… Who cares what the “other” people thing or say!
Until the day comes that I can’t march anymore, I’ll be marching to the beat of my own drum.
Thanks for sharing this chickadee! Tell Big B I said hi 🙂
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Excellent blog. I go through numerous emails to find information that I believe is substantial and you and Barry provide that. I learned about Dov Baron through your “renegade audios”. I enjoy the way that you and Barry wade through the morass and cull the really good information.
Thank you.
Talk about synchronicity! I just read this blog today (linked from the blog Barry wrote referring to this one).
I have been listening to the Lifehouse song “All In” every day for the past two weeks, sometimes several times a day. I was getting this same vibe and understanding from the song that Heather discusses above. Love it!
Thanks Heather and Barry!
Mary Ann