The past few days I’ve talked about how old-school affiliate marketing is dead, and directed you to a couple of free videos.
The first one proved that fact, and the second showed why Facebook advertising drives the best, most targeted and most cost-effective paid traffic you can get.
Today, Mike Filsaime and Chris Farrell have launched their third free video, which shows… drumroll, please…
How you can make a surprising amount of money, using only FREE social media traffic.
Chris did it in just 13 days, and these are his results:
- 500 opt-ins in 3 days.
- 91% Open Rate when email sent.
- 4 figures in PROFIT with free traffic (you’ll see the exact amount at 27m 26s in the video when Chris logs into his ClickBank account).
And you can forget the cliche warning “Don’t try this at home…”
The cool thing is, you can replicate everything he shows you — it’s basically a blueprint you can try as soon as the video is done.
In fact, his technique might just pay your mortgage in 2 weeks (no kidding!)
I realize that you’ve probably never heard of Chris before now, but he’s in the midst of showing the entire Internet Marketing community why he is the “REAL DEAL” and someone worth learning from.
Be sure to watch Chris’s FREE training video on profiting from free traffic now, before they take it down.
Keep Unwrapping Your Success!