A Tribute to Renegade Thinkers

As you probably know by now, there are TWO very important elements required to achieve what you want in this journey we call life; and those two elements relate to the two sides of you: spiritual and physical. Inner and outer.

Neither is better than the other, because like the rest of the Universe, we operate in total balance.

Sit and meditate or visualize all day, without DOING, and you won’t get results.

Work your butt off all day, with no understanding of your beliefs, purpose, or the importance of down time to nurture your inner self, and you won’t get results.

At Life Without Limits, we go out of our way to offer you both… and for little or no monetary investment (because we know you still have to invest the time, AND we love to over-deliver on value)…

So if you’ve got the outer world physical stuff figured out, but you’d love to unravel the secrets of manifesting the life of your dreams from the inside, (and discover how your roots create your fruits), enjoy Barry’s latest blog post here.

It’s chock-full of free content for you to take in: two audios and two videos that just might change your perspective on life, or at least show you what’s possible if you approach things with open eyes and an open mind.

It’s his tribute to the GREAT class of teachers out there who step beyond the boundaries of what’s “normal” and affect change by being blunt, outspoken, and brutally honest about life — their life and the lives of people they guide and teach.

One of them might come as quite a surprise… but there’s that importance of keeping an open mind.

And another one we had the pleasure of hanging out with yesterday for a few hours — tapping into his vast wealth of knowledge about the way the world works, and appreciating the mind and soul of a true renegade-renaissance man (you’ll hear what we mean when you listen to the audio clips).

Now, if you’ve been burying yourself in spiritual growth material and have yet to see the outer-world results you want to show up, then perhaps it’s time to take a step back and start focusing on some physical hands-on tools, methods and techniques from people who have been there, done that.

Don’t fool yourself… the vast majority of them already know the importance of some of the inner-world tools we teach. It’s just that very few people (besides us) actually mix the two together.

We have a free trial for you in another resource that’s chock-full of content, success stories, and strategies you can duplicate — from people who are making big money doing what they love online.

Yes, they also step beyond the boundaries of what’s “normal” and affect change by being creative critical thinkers, pushing beyond the status quo of what “works” — in their life and the lives of people they guide and teach.

Derek Gehl It’s put out by Derek Gehl, one of the most successful internet marketers I’ve ever had the pleasure of interviewing — this is the guy who took a $25 investment and turned it into $60 million in online sales (yes, you read that right).

The success that he’s achieved has made him want to give back… so he put aside a few free trial subscriptions to his most popular resource, The Secrets to Their Success online membership site.

It features detailed case studies from some of the big names you know well, and some people you’ve never heard of; but all of whom started from nowhere and created their own little hugely profitable empires.

And now you can tap into their knowledge and guidance at no cost by clicking here.

So it’s your choice… free thought-provoking content that challenges your set beliefs about your inner world on our Manifest Life blog

Or a free trial to thought-provoking content that challenges your set beliefs about what’s possible in the outer world, from Derek Gehl.

Here’s to creating the life you want — inside and out.

Keep Unwrapping your Success!

Heather Vale