Am I alive?
It’s hard to tell… we’ve been working hard on shooting The Next Internet Millionaire in Colorado, and I’ve been on set for at least 12-14 hours a day, EVERY DAY!
Wow… and I thought I was used to tough production schedules when I did TV back in Toronto.
Speaking of production, these guys really know what they’re doing. It’s a professional television-quality set with a bunch of people who have never produced TV before. And they said it couldn’t be done!
(Heck, I would have been a lot further ahead in TV if people I was working with in Toronto were as dedicated as this… but then again, maybe that wasn’t meant to be).
So yes, a new internet millionaire will be found (or rather, made) in Colorado over the next week… but I can’t give any details about any of the competition aspects because of the non-disclosure agreement.
What I can talk about is the teachers, because they’ve all been made public… and my experiences behind the scenes, and off the set.
The first few days I got to know Joel Comm and Mark Joyner much better, as Mark was hanging out and willing to help pick up supplies needed for the shoot. So the three of us spent one Sunday having lunch, picking up props at Joel’s office, and then shopping at Staples… all the while discussing the merits or credibility of manifestation and the law of attraction.
It seems Joel and Mark are leaning towards the misconception that it means, “Poof! Your wish is my command,” and that manifestation mentors advocate not taking action when it comes to getting what you want.
Hmm… anyone who believes that really should be listening to Masters of the Secret… except that Joel and Mark probably never would, since it’s not something they desire exploring further.
Then Marlon Sanders arrived for a few days, and hung out with Barry since the two of them had a lot more time on their hands than those of us on set.
I could have gone to dinner with the two of them one night, but Marlon noticed how tired I was after days of very little sleep, and sent me to my hotel room to await room service (ie, Barry bringing me back something in a takeout box).
In the meantime, Armand Morin and Jeff Walker came and went too, all part of the blur… and I got to meet David Hancock, who will be publishing my upcoming Success Unwrapped book.
Finally… FINALLY… we got one day off, on Sunday.
Whew! Did I need it!
I thought I was going to have to sleep all day to catch up, but Barry had asked around and found a nice little drive for us to take. Apparently 3 or 4 people had told him we HAD to go there by the middle of the first week, so it was set.
We rented a car, and off we went.
Where? Estes Park, a little town straight up the mountains, and then beyond into the Rocky Mountain National Park… destination, the Alpine Visitor Centre at 12,000 feet above sea level.
Here’s our impromptu video on top of the mountain (it was supposed to be just Barry, until he lost his train of thought and asked me to rescue him):
Might have been the altitude that caused the brain freeze… what you can’t tell by watching the video is that I’m naseous, barely holding it together, and just spent 15 minutes lying in the grass trying to settle my stomach.Yup, the price you pay for beautiful scenery and a life-changing adventure.Of course, I loved every minute of it and wouldn’t change a thing.The more I travel with Barry, and the more we realize how much we have in common and how great we work together, the more I need to think about what I want my future to be like.
Do you think you can manifest the life of your dreams — with all the qualities and values you’ve been wanting for years — if you’re not sure you want it?
Of course not.
That’s why I’ve decided on what I want, and I just need to figure out the next steps I need to take to get there.
Mark Joyner is into teaching backwards planning in Simpleology — starting with the end and working backwards step by step to figure out how to get somewhere — but sometimes that just won’t work.
Mark wouldn’t agree with this, but some of the authors and teachers Barry and I have interviewed like to say that the “How” is none of your business… in other words, pick the end goal (the “What”) and know what drives you toward it (the “Why”), but don’t worry about “How” you’re going to get there… because you probably don’t know until you get there, and you’ll shut off possibilities by being to attached to it.
So over the next few weeks, I’m going to be letting my “How” continue to unfold towards my “What” and the “Why” that drives it.
Stay tuned for the results!
Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!
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