How I Manifested Freedom Day

This weekend I went to Dr. John F. Demartini’s The Breakthrough Experience seminar. Wow… what an experience, and with no pun intended!

I interviewed John for Success Unwrapped last fall, and he walked me through the concepts of The Breakthrough Experience then, as well as sending me the book. And I interviewed him again, this time on video for Masters of the Secret, on Thursday evening.

Barry GossBut none of that prepared me for the power of the live seminar. All weekend I kept getting a-ha moments, and then calling my Masters of the Secret partner, Barry Goss, to tell him what I was learning.

I highly doubt that anybody else I know would have understand what I was saying like Barry did. We’re both immersed in the same topic lately, and have things in common that most people would think was just nuts.

But there’s another role Barry played in my life this weekend; that of co-creator of the end of my employed life, and the start of being a full-time entrepreneur… just the life I’ve been dreaming of.

See, Barry knows we’re close to success with Masters of the Secret, and that just a little extra effort over the next month will allow us to launch faster and stronger, with a bigger splash.

So he kept asking me, “What would it take to get you to quit your job Monday morning and work full-time with me for February?”

I kept telling him that, as much as I’d love to, a) I couldn’t just quit without giving two weeks’ notice, b) whatever he could pay me wouldn’t be as much as I was already making, and c) my husband would never stand for it.

But he brought it up enough times that it was a strong possibility in both of our minds, even though I knew I would never go through with quitting… not yet, anyhow.

So guess what happened this morning?

My boss called me up and told me that I was being laid off, effective immediately, with no notice… but that I would continue to be paid for another two weeks.

The reason given was something about changing the structure of the team; but I knew immediately that we had manifested it.

Since I’m on Eastern Time and Barry’s Pacific, I was able to greet him with an email that had the subject line: The Wonders of the Universe

Hey Barry,

Go figure… I got laid off from Nokia, effective immediately.

So… let’s get going on MOS!

As soon as he got the email, Barry called me and we laughed in amazement at how powerful we can be sometimes. It’s an awesome feeling to know that with the right intention, we are able to affect the future.

As predicted, my husband is less than happy about it. In fact, he seems really pissed off; talking about suing them for wrongful dismissal and stuff. He doesn’t seem to understand what a great opportunity this is, why I’m not worried, why I don’t want to sue, and why I’m not even thinking about looking for another job.

For the first time in my life, I truly feel like I deserve to “do what I love” and be paid for it. I know there’s an incredible journey coming my way.

I’ve told several of my online friends, and they’re happy for me too. “Freedom Day” is what one of them called it.

And I’m going to enjoy it and make the most of it, no matter what.

Keep Unwrapping the Mysteries of Life!

Heather Vale


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