Free Interactive Q&A Video Training Webinar

There’s a free video training webinar taking place tonight that I wanted to tell you about, so here’s a video message from me:

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It’s hosted by my friends Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime and the topic is the Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Video Marketing Methods. This is a live and interactive webinar, so you can ask your questions and get answers straight from the horse’s mouth.

If you have any questions about video marketing, how to make your videos look better, convert better, drive more traffic… this is your chance. Bring along your questions and bring along a paper and pen because you’re going to want to take notes.

Just go to — put your email address in and they’ll update you on all the details about how to access the free training and at what time.

I’m going to be there and I hope to see you there too.

If you purchase Video Genesis after watching the training, you’ll also get my flagship Interviewing Unwrapped course on how to conduct profitable content-rich interviews. Just input your receipt at

Keep Unwrapping Your Success!