My soulmate Barry and I got married today on the perfect day… 10-10 (October 10).
That represents a “10” rating for the wedding, AND a “10” rating for the marriage. It doesn’t get any better than that!
It also happens to be Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, and that represents all that we have to be thankful for in our relationship together.
And it’s Columbus Day weekend in the US, so that represents our desire to explore. We explore life together, we explore metaphysical concepts together, we explore ways that people can improve their lives together.
And in a few weeks, we’ll be exploring parenthood together! 😉
It was a pretty simple wedding, with about 10 guests — mostly family members and neighbors — in our own backyard.
But it was heartfelt, emotional, and very meaningful, and we found the perfect non-denominational minister who likes to explore and teach the same sorts of metaphysical concepts that we do!
She also let us customize the vows, the ring exchange, the readings and blessings, for a very special ceremony that included poems we wrote to each other.
All in all, it was definitely a perfect 10… and we couldn’t have picked a more perfect day.
By the way, it’s officially Heather Vale Goss now… but I’ll still answer to Heather Vale as well.
Keep Unwrapping The Mysteries of Life!
Congratulations 🙂
May you both be safe,
May you both be happy,
May you both be healthy,
And may you both live with ease!
AND may you have an easy and joyful birth of your baby 🙂
Hi Heather,
Just came across your blog (though I did see you on the next internet millionaire) and wanted to say a great big congratulations. Also, congratulations on the coming bundle of joy, you must be very happy!
G’day Heather,
I just came back from a 2 weeks vacation in Malaysia & Singapore and found out about the birth of Konan, then came to your blog to congratulate you and saw that you got married on your Canadian Thanksgiving day! So it’s double Congratulations on both your wedding and the birth of your son.
My heartfelt wishes of health, wealth, love and joy to the new Goss family.